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Brooms For Spring Cleaning

The Right Brooms For Spring Cleaning Jobs Spring cleaning is a thing.  Having the right broom for spring cleaning is sort of like having the right pen to write with, or a specific tool for fixing stuff around the house. To get the job done the way

Pretty Brooms

Pretty Brooms & Accessories And why not?  This workhorse of household maintenance can take on an art form all it’s own!  Pretty brooms and dustpans range from antique and vintage, to high-end, stylish products for the discerning homeowner. Check out these few that we found,  designed to

Corn Brooms

Here is an example of how brooms are made – the old fashioned way – at Hockady Handmade Brooms in Tennessee: Not just for sweeping anymore, there are brooms for sports activities, and of course let us not forget witches brooms! It’s easy to take care of

Specialty Brooms

This post may contain affiliate links and I may earn a small commission when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you! Brooms are made for cleaning, of course, but specialty brooms fill

How To Find The Right Broom

How To Choose A Broom For The Job Why is it so important to know how to find the right broom?  Why do you even need to know how to choose a broom? As simple a tool as a broom is, there is a big difference in